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About Green City

Welcome to Green City, where sustainability meets opportunity! At Green City, we believe in fostering communities that are in harmony with nature, offering prime land sales that pave the way for eco-friendly living. Our mission is to provide you with the perfect plots to build your dream home or investment property while promoting environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

Since 2011, our clients have collectively prevented over

245,625,766 lb of CO2 emissions.

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What we offer

Our Feature Properties

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Investment Plots

Eco Technology

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Smart Tech

Attacks smiling and may out assured moments man nothing.

Certified Expert

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Premium Support

So insisted received is occasion advanced honoured. Among ready to which up. Attacks smiling and may out assured moments man nothing outward thrown any behind.


Easy Steps

Verified Property

Estimate your budget cost

Physical verification land

Finalise the deal

Providing The Best Real Estate Property

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Office Number

+91 7008800431

Office Address

Mahalaxmipur , Khuntuni

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